Monday, November 2, 2009


Tell me a little bit about what you already know about ocean life. Use specific details when you can.


Unknown said...

i want to know how much water is in the pacific

Unknown said...

i know that people around the world have been dumping trash off there and now many people is trying to clean it up so i think every one shounld clean it up

Unknown said...

There are many types of fish in the ocean that means that there is to many to catch. Sharks eat fish and have razor sharp teeth they are scary. id hate to get eaten by would hurt.

Unknown said...

most ocean life have fins, tails, and gills

Adrian157 said...

sharks are very attracted to splashes and if you are ingered dont go in the water...

Unknown said...

there are alot of gallons of water in the ocean. A shark has sharp teethall over his mouth.

Unknown said...

The water is cold. The dolphins are very attracted. Seagles are very bad on the west coast. You has been to see a alligators

Unknown said...

what do dolphins eat?Are the a conervor omnivor or a herbavor.are they a preteder prey or a scavenger.

Unknown said...

i think there is 1,000,000 gallons of water in the ocean

Unknown said...

did u know that over 1,000 people die in the ocean in 1 year

Unknown said...

I heard that a whale swim in a straight path for many miles. I want to know if there are sea hourse in the atlantic ocean? Do star fish grow back therr legs if they lose one?

Unknown said...

I no that oceans are very pretty there water is mostly like a blue color there is plants and animals that live in it my favrite animal that lives in the ocean is a dolphin because they are so pretty and really COOL!! who ever is reading this please stop are tell people u know to stop leavin trash on the sand are stop throwing it in the water because u are killing animals

Unknown said...

some that look like plants are sometimes animals Most creatures are aquatic or land and sea animals. Coral reafs are killed by people mostly by steping on them. Sharks are offended to being hit in the nose. They think it shows there weakness. Most sharks do not like to fight. Sea Monkeys can only live in fresh water. I ahd Sea Monkeys. I got them for $10.00. Sea Monkeys look like a mini Trilobites an extinct animal that was weird shaped.

Unknown said...

are mermaids reall

Unknown said...

thanks for all the cool facts i will use them

Unknown said...

Oceans have over mililons of seaanimals. Someanimals are microscopic and someyou can see real good. All oceans are very dangerous. The ocean is dangerous because of the animals or the lenghth of how far you go out because of the waves or you could get cought up in a net like animals do and drown. We really should keep the ocean clean from nets and stuff so peopleand animals dont drown and it will make the ocean a little more safe than what it is now. Do you think we could make the ocean safe for people and animals? Also if you heard about the Bermuda triangle you might know one way that part of the ocean is real dangerous. Did you know some people think that a giant squid is pulling the boats and the planes underwater? Some people have realized that some days it is safe to go boating but others it is not. I guess my point is at all times even when you are not expecting it the ocean is dangerous even in ways you wouldnt think it is.