Friday, December 18, 2009

Tuck Everlasting Epilogue

If you had to drink from the special spring at some time in your life, at what age would you take the drink and why?

Monday, November 30, 2009

Tuck ch.5 vocabulary 3

plaintively (p. 29)

Tuck ch.5 vocabulary 2

consolingly (p.23)

Tuck ch.5 vocabulary 1

disheartened (p.23)

Tuck ch.5 question 4

What do you think Mae Tuck meant when she said, "Well, boys, here it is. The worst is happening at last"?

Tuck ch.5 question 3

What happened in the wood when Winnie went there in the morning?

Tuck ch.5 question 2

What do you think the man in the yellow suit wants?

Tuck ch.5 question 1

What two comments did Winnie's grandmother make about the sounds coming from the wood?

Monday, November 16, 2009

China's Geography #5

Why is the big curve of the Huang an important part of the river? What happens here?

China's Geography #4

What caused ancient farmers to strip loess-lands of their trees and shrubs? What effects did this have on life along the Huang?

China's Geography #2

How has loess helped China's farmers? How has it caused problems?

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Zach's Lie ch. 16

After reading chapter 16, predict what will happen next using 25 or more words.

Monday, November 2, 2009


Tell me a little bit about what you already know about ocean life. Use specific details when you can.

Friday, October 30, 2009

Million Dollar Shot

Have you ever been really lucky? Have you ever won a contest or a drawing? If you could choose one day to be really lucky what day would you pick and why?

Thursday, October 29, 2009


Do you think Brian will ever return to his shelter on the L-shaped lake in Canada? For what purpose might he return? What ordeals might he face this time?

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Zach's Lie

If Zach attended a school Halloween dance in Elko what costume would suit his personality and why? Describe the costume in detail. What would Catalin, Peter, Darrell, Sam, Uncle Don, Aunt Doris, Wanda, Mom, or Commander IF think of it? Describe at least 3 people's reactions.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Tuck Everlasting Statements

Choose one of the five statements that you agree with. Write a paragraph (6-10 sentences) explaining why you agree with the statement. If you do not agree with any of them, explain why in a paragraph.

1. It would be wonderful to live forever.
2. Everyone who commits a crime must be punished.
3. People should have control over life and death.
4. Living means always changing.
5. Whenever you see an opportunity to make money, you should take it.
from 1992 Teacher Created Materials, Inc.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Roman Republic

Respon to one of the following:
1) Describe the differences between plebians and patricians in the Roman Republic.
2) Why was it important for Rome's laws to be written down?

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Tangerine Part 3

Answer in 30 words or more.

If you could change the fate of one character who would it be and how would you change their life? How would that affect the other characters?

Monday, January 19, 2009

Tangerine Part 1

So far we have read all of part 1 in the book Tangerine. Share what your favorite part of the book has been so far and tell why.